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Writer's pictureKaren Brittingham-Edmond

Afternoon Tea With K. Britt Chats On The Rise Of Missing Black Children In America - N.J. Property Tax Increase - How To Stop Racism In NJ - Cyber-Attacks On American Pharmaceutical Companies & More

"Understanding the Complexities of the Disproportionate Number

of Missing Black Children in the United States"

The issue of missing Black children in the United States is a complex and multifaceted one. Several factors contribute to the disproportionate number of Black children who go missing, including systemic racism, poverty, and lack of access to resources and support. Additionally, there is often a lack of media coverage and public attention when a Black child goes missing, which can make it more challenging to locate them. It's important to continue advocating for the safety and well-being of all children, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

It is important to note that the two smallest populations with whom children are being overrepresented in missing children in America happen to be Black Americans and Native North American Children.

Have You Seen Lori Paige, a 12-year-old girl who has been missing from

Tallahassee, Florida, since June 3, 2023.

It's important to note the correlation between the increase in unvetted immigration and the rise in missing children in the United States over the last 40 years. While correlation does not always indicate causation, it's worth considering the possibility that the normalization of human trafficking by some individuals who have entered the country illegally may be contributing to the unfortunate increase in missing children. It's crucial to address this issue and work towards better immigration policies and stronger measures to combat human trafficking to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals, especially children.

"The Dangers of Cyber Attacks on the Pharmaceutical Industry's Digital Infrastructure."

A report by Amanda Lumpkin of the Middletown Patch published Feb 22, 2024, titled "Cyberattack At National Health Tech Giant Causes Outage At Pharmacies," shared that The recent cyberattack on a significant prescription processor in the US has caused chaos nationwide. With services provided to 30,000 pharmacies nationwide, the attack left many unable to fulfill prescriptions, causing substantial inconvenience to patients. According to SEC filings, the source of this attack is believed to be a nation-state, indicating a level of sophistication and intent that should not be underestimated. The attackers managed to infiltrate some of the company's IT systems, indicating a significant breach that could have far-reaching consequences.

This incident highlights the dangers of cyber attacks on the pharmaceutical industry's digital infrastructure. It serves as a warning to all businesses to remain vigilant and take proactive measures to protect themselves from such attacks.

A cyber attack on the pharmaceutical industry can have devastating consequences. These attacks can compromise sensitive information such as research data, patient information, and intellectual property. An attack can lead to the theft of proprietary information, which can be used to develop competing products, erode market share, and damage revenues.

In addition, cyber attacks can also disrupt the manufacturing and distribution processes, leading to delays in the production of critical drugs. This can have serious implications for patients who rely on these medicines.

Moreover, a cyber attack can harm the pharmaceutical company's reputation, leading to a loss of trust in the brand and its products. This can further impact sales and revenue. In some cases, cyber attacks can even lead to legal and financial penalties, which can damage the company's bottom line. Given the high stakes involved, pharmaceutical companies must take cybersecurity seriously and implement robust measures to protect their digital assets and infrastructure.

"Does the Increase in Property Taxes in New Jersey Pose a Threat to Long-Term Residents' Ability to Maintain Their Homes and Remain in the State?"

Per a report submitted by Megan VerHelst of the Middletown Patch on Feb 21, 2024, titled "NJ Property Taxes Hit A New High: See your Towns Rate." Recent state data and reports reveal that property tax bills in New Jersey saw a rise of over 3 percent last year, resulting in the state's property tax levies reaching a new peak, as per the data released by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, property owners in the state paid over $3.3 billion in taxes in 2023, which is an increment of over $1 billion from 2022. The average property tax paid by New Jersey property owners in 2023 was $9,803, $300 higher than the previous year's average. This marks an all-time high for the Garden State, as reported by NJ Spotlight News and NJ 101.5.

Increased property taxes can have a devastating impact on communities by perpetuating segregation and limiting opportunities for low-income families. When property taxes rise, it becomes increasingly difficult for low-income families to purchase homes in specific neighborhoods, leading to the concentration of poverty in particular areas. This can create a vicious cycle of segregation, as wealthier residents avoid these areas, causing the stigmatization of these neighborhoods. What's worse is that the increased property taxes are often used to fund public schools, leaving schools in low-income communities with fewer resources and worse education. This perpetuates a cycle of poverty and segregation as families who cannot afford to move to better neighborhoods are left with fewer opportunities for upward mobility. It's time to address this issue and work towards a solution that promotes equal opportunities for all families, regardless of their income.

Photo Source Library of Congress Seneca Village

One example of how increased property taxes and eminent domain have removed Black towns and villages in America is the case of the town of Seneca Village in New York City. Seneca Village was a predominantly Black community that existed in the mid-19th century, and it was located in what is now Central Park. In the 1850s, the city government of New York began to use eminent domain to acquire land in the area to construct Central Park. The government claimed that the land was blighted and in need of redevelopment, but in reality, it was a thriving community that had its own church, school, and businesses. To make matters worse, the city offered the residents of Seneca Village far less than the market value of their homes, making it impossible for them to relocate to other parts of the city. As a result, many Black families were forced to leave their homes, and their community was destroyed. The area was then transformed into Central Park, which remains a symbol of New York City today. This is just one example of how increased property taxes and eminent domain have been used to remove Black towns and villages in America. In many cases, these actions have resulted in the displacement of entire communities and the loss of cultural heritage. It's important to recognize and address these injustices to ensure that all communities have the right to maintain their homes and their way of life.

Click the links to learn more about Seneca Village

To decrease property taxes, citizens can evaluate their property tax assessment, take advantage of exemptions, monitor their property tax changes, and participate in local government meetings. It's important to note that property tax laws and regulations vary by state and locality, so it's advisable to check with local authorities to determine the best course of action.

How The Ignorance And Bad Behavior Of Racist White Americans Plus The Non-Enforcement Of The Law By Black Citizens Empower The Ignorance Of White Supremacy In America.

We've all seen it. The increased reports of racist behavior in America from the attack against the Virginia Democratic House Speaker Don Scott, a Black man who donated a kidney legally to his neighbor. Unlike certain residents in Deal, NJ, who made money selling the organs of poor people from other countries as a means to profit from. Such as the example given here in a CBS Trenton NJ News Report that shares how "Rosenbaum pleaded guilty to brokering the sale of three kidneys, buying them from people in Israel for as little as $10,000, then selling them to U.S. patients who did not qualify for transplants or did not want to wait. The sale cost for each organ was over $100,000, and the operations were performed at top U.S. hospitals.

VA. Democratic House Speaker Don Scott didn't do anything like that. Still, the Virginia Republican GOP of Virginia felt it would be ok to share a Twitter response that reached thousands of people falsely accused and cast a false representation of who VA Democratic House Speaker Don Scott is. Scott is a respected politician who's into doing the right thing. 

Further bad behavior of White racists that hits close to home in New Jersey is the ignorant behavior of liberal White racists who thumb their noses at the federal government's right to enforce plus maintain immigration policies that make citizens' lives safer. Because said White racists believe they have the treasonous right to replace citizens with outside workers, vetted or not, who are not required to follow federal regulations and rules that make citizens safe and New Jersey a desirable place to live. 

With that said:

Black citizens must learn to reflect on all of the trouble that could have been avoided and prevented family members and their fellow neighbors from being caught up in any possible criminal behavior brought in by immigrant populations, starting with the flooding of Black communities with Crack starting in the 1980s to the utilizing of the EB-5 Visas Program 2015, that provide anybody from other countries a green card as long as they pay $500,000.


This policy puts American citizen's lives in jeopardy. Why, you may ask? Well, typically, when it comes to that type of money ($500,000.00), it is ordinarily accessible to criminal organizations from other countries that make their money off of human trafficking, drug sales, and illegal gun sales. Many with ties to White supremacist groups right here in America, reported in numerous FBI Reports shared here in the relaunched Echo for the last three years. American citizens are not stupid. But they have been pointed in the wrong direction to appease the goals of ignorant, narcissistic fellow citizens who lack any moral character to behave in a respectable manner despite their lucrative bank accounts. 

On a personal note:

Above is the picture of two White racist big stupid blue truck parked way too close to my car on Feb 23, 2024.

Just the other day ago, I had two of the filthiest White racists who had the nerve to park their big ugly blue truck front bumper against my car. When I came out of the Shoprite in Shrewsbury and walked to my car, I noticed a stench of a White man in the passenger seat of a gas-guzzling truck that was disgusting. To make matters worse, as I walked to my car, I saw that the truck the man was sitting in was pushed up against my car's bumper, where I alerted the man in the truck that their vehicle was touching my car! The filthy White man in the car did not see anything wrong with their truck against my vehicle. He said, "It's a long truck, and it's not hurting my vehicle."  When I started rebuking him, letting him know about his penal colonist history, in an affirmative voice and taking pictures, he then got the vehicle's driver, who pushed his stupid gas-guzzling truck on my car to back up. And here's my point.

Above is the picture of the two White racists calling me the N-word who parked their car way too close to my car, angry because I demanded that they move their filthy vehicle off of my car while explaining their penal colonist history to their faces and why they behave the way they do. Shrewsbury NJ 02/22/2024

From the breaking of federal laws to misrepresenting Black politicians simply doing their jobs to just being a civilian minding one's own business, the effect of ignorant, non-thinking racism is intolerable. And we can understand why the Constitution of the United States gives severe punishment to Confederates and Confederate sympathizers, including their many Brown and Spanish-speaking allies, for good reason. (Abraham Lincoln knew what he was doing.) The writers of the Constitution knew precisely who would be the first to take America in the wrong direction. Racists and their allies. And now, it is our job to enforce the law provided to American citizens. Or else we will continue to have these conflicts of issues plus outright wrong decision-making of people in our state and local governments who do not intend to follow the rules. While they continue to try to justify the sins of chattel slavery by not teaching the truth about America, child abuse, police brutality, and the murdering of innocent Black citizens.

Case and point

Per an article written by Sandra Feder of Standford News on June 9, 2020, titled "Stanford Psychologist Identifies Seven Factors That Contribute To American Racism," Feder shares an article inspired by Dr. Steven O. Roberts's research.

"According to Roberts, who leads the Social Concepts Lab in the psychology department of the School of Humanities and Sciences, the common definition of racism as dislike or mistreatment of individuals based on their race is incorrect. Instead, he argues that racism is a hierarchical system of advantage based on race, which has become deeply ingrained in the minds and society of the United States." (Ignorance) "This system is so pervasive that it is challenging to avoid or overcome. In essence, racism is a pandemic that has infected every aspect of American life."

By examining research from psychology, the social sciences, and the humanities, it is evident that racism in America systematically favors White Americans and disadvantages Americans of color. However, this does not have to be the case. The first step towards overcoming racism is awareness. With increased awareness, we can work towards dismantling this systemic issue and creating a more equitable society for all. It is our collective responsibility to recognize the impact of racism and actively work towards eliminating it. (end of quote)

Several factors contribute to racism in America.

These include:

1. Historical legacy of racism and discrimination

2. Systemic racism in institutions and policies

3. Prejudice and bias in individuals

4. Lack of exposure to diversity and cultural education

5. Economic inequality and disparities

6. Political polarization and identity politics

7. Fear and ignorance of the unknown or unfamiliar.

By speaking truth to ignorance and not allowing the bad behavior of racists to intrude into the lives of taxpaying American citizens via the enforcement of laws already on the books provided by the Federal Government. Plus the release of monetary reparations to Black citizens can reverse the curse piloted by treasonous Americans and their minority allies who are still angry at the Federal Government for condemning chattle slavery and enforcing civil rights, to long-term disenfranchised Black Americans and their families.

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