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Writer's pictureMr. David Davis

Embracing God's Steadfast Love and Faithfulness: Insights from Brother David Davis

December 1, 2024

Wisdom & Kind Thoughts

Good morning,

As we step into today, let's remember that no matter what life throws our ways, God's love remain steady and true. Whether in moments of joy or in times of trial, His faithfulness endures. Have a blessed day.

Finding Courage in Past Deliverances: Remembering God's Faithfulness

Picture Source: Wix Unsplash Documerica Studios

David knew the danger he was facing against Goliath. He wasn’t some novice, a naïve kid full of bravado and looking for a fight. No, David was simply remembering his past deliverances. He boldly stated, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, he will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:37).

Multitudes of God’s people today face giants on all sides, and many cower in fear. Does this describe you? Have you forgotten the time you were so sick that you were close to death, but the Lord raised you up? Do you remember that financial disaster when you thought, “That’s it; I’m finished,” yet the Lord saw you through it and has kept you to this day?

There are many things we don’t understand, and we won’t understand every situation until we are home with Jesus. I absolutely believe that God can heal, and that he has a way out of every situation. The question for us is, “Where do we find the faith, the courage, to stand up and gain victory in him?” It comes only by remembering the lion and the bear. It comes when you’re able to recall the incredible faithfulness of God, and the past victories he has given you. You can’t face a giant until you’re able to understand the majesty and glory of God in your life.

The Barrier of Pride: Why Self-Righteousness Hinders Faith

They already knew far too much to be taught anything more, and consequently while Publicans and prostitutes heard Christ and rejoiced to listen to him, out of all those who were continually criticizing and finding fault, how few ever won the blessing. How can you believe, who receive honor from each other?-John 5:44 This is extremely common! The man thinks that he is not as other men are, and though he does not say so, he is rather proud of himself. Though he is so humble as not to say it, yet at the bottom of his heart he is convinced that no one is worthy of greater respect than he is. He has been scrupulously honest, and has brought up his family to the best of his knowledge in the ways of integrity. He is a good fellow, generous to the poor, and if he should have a fault or two, yet who does not have his faults? As for himself, if the world were picked, he would at least take his place somewhere near the top. Now, you cannot expect that man to believe the gospel, for that gospel.

Embracing a Season of Spiritual Awakening:

The Church's Call to Depth Amidst Crisis

We're in a season right now where, as bad things are happening in our country, there is an opportunity for the church to move. Believers need to awaken from the common, nominal, social-club version of Christianity. Those who are oftentimes coming to church for the social life or the feel-good messages are realizing that they don’t have answers for the problems plaguing our culture now. The hyper-faith and prosperity messages that come on Sunday mornings aren't cutting it anymore. People are realizing, “Okay, you promised me everything's going to be a blessing, and this is the year of favor and prosperity. But I don’t see those in my life. In fact, I’m suffering right now.”

People are hungry for something deeper. It’s very likely that the hand of God is involved in this. There's great potential here for the church to be revived and come into a season of spiritual awakening. I’m not just talking about more souls won for Christ, although I do believe that will be the case; I’m talking about more depth in existing believers as well.

In the season right now, when people are looking for answers, I'm afraid the answers often end up being “Don't fear” or “You're going to be okay” or “God's with you.” What if, instead, the church began to go a little deeper? What if believers grew mature enough to ask in their suffering, “Who do I believe God is? Who does the Bible say God is? What does that mean for my season of suffering?”

Trusting in God's Presence for Guidance and Assurance

Picture Source Sleeping Baby: Wix Media

According to Exodus 33:14, God assured Moses, "My presence will accompany you, and I will grant you rest." Moses replied in verse 15, "Unless Your presence goes with us, please do not lead us onward." I firmly believe: without God's presence, I will not proceed. This recalls a cherished song: "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. He has consistently been my fourth man in the fire ... I trust in God, my reliable Savior, who never fails."



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