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Writer's pictureKaren Edmond

Hello from the publisher of The Relaunched Echo!

Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! During December, I did not post any feedback regarding current events, as you may have noticed. 2021 was a massive year full of stressful situations and insights. Being a person who loves to write and do research on topics and subject matter that positively and negatively affect the historic Black citizenship of America exposed me to take a closer look at the cause and effects of,

  • Systematic Racism on the Black family

  • Gun violence directed towards Black citizenship

  • Inhumane criminal reform institutions in our state

  • Discerning the long-term negative effect that the prison to cradle pipeline has had on Black children within the last 20 to 40 years

  • Plus, the overwhelming change of at-risk Black children's behavior post-Welfare Reform Act measures that positioned Black children to be left with no adult supervision or with strangers at daycares.

Although I feel the coming of change in the air, I am still thankful to have President Joe Biden & Vice President Kamala Harris in office compared to the Trump administration. But after writing on Black issues for a year, I see specific concerning patterns operated via local government, state policies, and nonprofits that are alarming. And each group works against Black citizenship just for shits and giggles. I dare say if and when reparation legislation is approved because of the entities I mentioned earlier: local county government, state policies, and nonprofits, all money would be allocated to other minorities. And this is something Black citizenship & non-racist White American citizenship can no longer afford or allow. This is precisely what America did in 1968, in the face of Black citizenship and non-racist White America in the name of diversity.

We can go back to the crime scene when the recently won privileges & rights misallocations went askew. In 1964 Civil Rights Movement had gained ground by getting

  • Civil Rights Amendment,

  • Voting Rights Amendments,

  • Fair Housing Rights, and

  • Human Rights Amendments successfully enforced.

The last portion that was needed was the economic allocation of reparations. This all occurred between 1964 to 1967. The Civil Rights Movement prepared a way for Julian Bond, who won Georgia's legislature seat in 1967, and later in 1968, Bond was nominated to run for the U.S. Vice Presidency. Bond withdrew his name because, technically, he was too young to be a candidate for the vice presidency of America. He was 28 years old at the time, plus deeply impacted by the brutal murder of his mentor, the Rev Dr. Martin Luther King, four months earlier.

Rev Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Four short months later, Jack Goldberg, a white man, and Director of NAACP Legal Fund, began the NAACP Mexican American Legal Fund. This action immediately began to remove funding for African American issues to Mexican issues. Thence by the 70s and 80s, the vital resources that would typically be available to continue the fight for Black citizenships rights, reparations, plus treatment, was depleted—leaving Black people in America vulnerable.

Just in time for President Ronald Reagan with the rest of racist White America to enforce unethical laws, policies, and practices designed to undermine everything that the civil rights movement made available for Black citizenship to be abolished out of ignorance and treasonous factors. Or deferred to others as we see now in the name of diversity while leaving the majority of Black Americans who are the direct descendants of those persons from 1930 to 1968 who fought, prayed, and died for said civil rights/quality housing and affirmative action rights blocked via systematic Racism.

Case and point today, a Black long-term tax-paying family in need of affordable housing will be put on a waiting list for 5 to 7 years while illegal residents obtain housing immediately with the help of our racist state policymakers and nonprofits in N.J. The latter has a grudge against Black citizenship obviously and could be careless about Black children's wellbeing. Another example of this type of disenfranchisement is the large portion of Black Americans who were fined ridiculously high fines, had their driver's license taken away, and were placed in jail for up to weeks and months for many years. These actions devastated their families and put more Black children into at-risk situations by design.

Black citizenship is targeted for non-violent non-drug-related offenses in NJ between 1990 and currently. While as of last year, Governor Murphy allocated 450,000 NJ licenses to people who came into the country illegally. This double standard is twofold because an N.J. driver's license proves citizenship. So, NJ didn't just rob Black citizenship and disenfranchise Black families by design. While crowding the jail system, with Black citizenship since 1990, N.J. actively insourced people from other countries to illegally take Black citizenships place and justify the action by making said individuals - undeserving of Black citizenships resources - citizens. Clever. But a lie & injustices targeted at Black citizenship can't live forever or go unpunished.

With that said, I had to take a step back and give myself a break. In hopes of bringing well-rounded reports. That's empathetic to long term factors that have purposely injured our Black citizenships advancement—coupled with

  • Proven sociological studies and

  • Journals that focus on structural-functional studies in Racism in America,

  • Historical & current social conflict studies in America, plus

  • Symbolic interactionism in race in America for the last 40 to 60 years.

I hope that providing informative, relatable writings and chats will provide people with a better understanding of what's going on and how to dismantle it. Plus, hopefully, ignite a movement that will rise to the occasion and unashamedly advocate and protect their people. Because ignorance isn't bliss, ignorance is dangerous. Especially when cloaked in a robe of charity that positions a portion of Black leadership to forfeit everything but the kitchen sink when it comes to Black citizenships rights to be

  • Protected

  • Provided & treated equally with others

  • Economically made whole regarding past transgressions acted out by the country, state, judicial system, and banking institutions.

Thank you for supporting the relaunched Echo "For the cause of the Negro." Please enjoy Blu Cantrell's "Hit 'Em Up Style (Oops)

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