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  • Writer's pictureKaren Brittingham-Edmond

That's What They Get For Inviting The Devil To Sit Front And Center In Their National Association Of Black Journalist Conference!

August 3, 2024

Soapbox Commentary

All Gifs & Pictures Provided by Wix Media

Mama always said don't invite the devil into your home because he doesn't know how to act. I wish the National Association of Black Journalist heeded that call when someone thought it would be cute to invite a known racist, insurrectionist, and Confederate sympathizer into their conference.

Have you ever experienced beginning to watch or read about something and suddenly putting down the newspaper or book or turning off your T.V. (That's exactly how I felt when I attempted several times to watch this conference.) Trump came into that journalistic conference child with no respect toward Black citizens, just like all his criminal associations plus friends.

Trump's funky ass came in there to show he had no respect for Black journalists and probably wanted to say, Hey, you know about that relaunched Echo in N.J.?, the oldest Black-owned newspaper that's motto is "In Concern of the Negro? Can some of you tell the publisher she shouldn't be allowed to read and write because she keeps telling the truth about racism?" And their punk behinds would probably be like, "Okay." That's how arrogant and petty Trump is, and shame on them for opening the door and letting the devil in! These Black journalists have forgotten their Sunday School sing-along-song called "Shut the door, keep out the devil!" Because they allowed the devil to walk in and then gave him the mic when Dr. Joy Leary-Degruy has said in her many conferences around this nation plus a book that these mentally imbalanced racist people "cannot have the mic any longer!" On a side note, I have an example to show you how our Black journalistic institutions prefer to be publically embarrassed for all the world to see instead of being the armor barer of truth to knock down the enemy's plans and devices against our people seriously. So, if you have ears to hear, please read on.

Let's take a closer look at the demographic of educated Black folks who would allow such a creature onto their platform to embarrass Black citizens near and far publically. The reality is that the age group of Black journalists represented by the National Black Journalism Organization more than likely grew up watching the "Apprentice." And dreaming when they were young high school & college students of how cool would it be to work for Donald Trump?" All while being groomed by the music of the 90s and 2000s that re-introduced them to normalizing the illegal term of ni##er. (Telling Black folks to let the younger generation lead. Hmphf! My Aunt Betty!) But let's not forget the knee-deep Black moles who run this conference probably said to themselves, "Awe, let just take the check. What's the worst he can do?" And the answer to that is plenty. Watching that conference was like watching a bad Tyler Perry Movie where everything goes wrong, including the credits!

My Personal Experience With Black Journalism Instituitions:

On a side note, I have reached out to many of these institutions of Black journalism, which I'm too embarrassed to name out loud, attempting to obtain a membership plus the training that comes with active membership. And no matter what I did, email, call, or handwritten letters, I could not connect with anyone who would take my call. I applied online and paid money a couple of times. And then, when I would call said institutions of Black journalism, I rarely got a human voice. And if I did, I would be sent over to voice mail. They don't answer their phones. I've left dozens of messages and received no callbacks or messages. On an additional note, my Great-grandfather, William Elijah Rock, was affiliated with the old institutions of Black Journalism along with Madame C.J. Walker. So, being that these are the Black journalistic legacy institutions my grandfather affiliated with, I believed that if they're good enough for Great Grand Dad, they're okay by me. Shuh

But I must admit that the articles that I began to review from 2019 till now on Black Journalist websites or eNewspapers were baffling, to say the least. Most of the literature they produced was so "we don't want to upset White & Brown people" post, you know, like a mini sugarcoated sermon with absolutely no anointing in it. (And Black folks who go to church know what I mean by a sugarcoated sermon.) But for those who do not know what a sugarcoated sermon is, it's a sermon that, after you show up to fellowship with the saints, the preacher starts sounding like a blip from a lukewarm 700 Club ministry. You know the evil evangelicals who created the Sanctuary Movement fraud because they wanted to replace the Civil Rights Movement with a population that they felt was better than Black folks and more obedient to White supremacy? You know the 700 Club, Christian Coalition, Reaganites, plus George Bush fans? YEAH THEM.

Those sermons that unapologetically do not address crisis issues experienced by Black believers as if God doesn't care about Black folks, which is a lie, but if each time they get up behind the pulpit, this is how they preach as if they had attended Christian Coalition preaching training? A candy-coated sermon is a sermon that does not defend Black people at all, even if they are believers. The sermon's schematic is designed to appease racist White folks who wouldn't even sit next to you on a bus or train. And somewhere etched into the sermon is the agenda of how Black folks need to care for everybody else's needs. We are to consider others better than us as a people while the state and non-Black, non-vetted, insourced immigrants push Black Christians and their families out of neighborhoods and cities their people built. These sugarcoated sermons tend to stick to portions of the bible that basically repeat and reiterate the same phrase, while the entire bible holds entire riches of untold wisdom that can make a blind man see and a deaf man hear. But they avoid that fiery preaching of their ancestors that assisted with healing the minds of Black North Americans that, in turn, got Black folks free and the right to vote. Candy-coated sermons are nothing like that. One more thing.

GiF Source: Wix GIF of Big Angie

It's the type of sermon that when you leave the church, you feel like having a drink, and I don't mean water. Because something on the inside makes you feel like saying, let's leave this cracker factory because that sermon wasn't anointed but annoyng! That's how many of these Black Journalistic institutions write. Being ever so careful of remaining in Hillary Clinton's political correctness standard operating procedures and making sure anybody else but Black citizens obtain undeserved reparations. (Somebody just got free just now.)

So, in my opinion, there is no wonder why Black America is in the state it is when our institutions are too dam busy, and that's right, I said DAM busy catering to the likes of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton just to assist in the game disenfranchising their own people. At the same time, being ever so faithful in forefilling the agenda of non-Black citizens. So I say, that's what their Hoity-toity behinds get. Because they open the door widely to allow the likes of a Klan man like Donald Trump to sit center stage in one of their illustrious conferences as a guest just to fart in everybody's face and then claim he wasn't the one who farted. While not even allowing or giving the time of day to sincere legacy-holding grassroots Black businesses like me who "tells it like it T-I-S is! From even entering their guarded circles whose first and foremost mission in their Black organization is no longer "In Concern of the Negro." But instead, don't upset Whitey. (Picture Source: Wix Media)

So I think they got just what they deserved. Until all Black citizen's institutions turn away from their sin of abandoning the serious needs of their people while vacationing in Martha's Vineyard and catering to Black folks who are three times weaker than themselves, I say they got what they deserved. And thanks for the last 40 years of doing nothing while acting White. None of their sorry behinds could hold a candle to Gil Noble, producer of "Like it is." Because they don't love their own people. It's probably because their too busy sleeping around and committing to every and anything else non-Black male or female that their funky behinds ain't got no buisness sleeping with or compromising with in the first place. Just like our dearly departed but taken advantage of Julian Bond when he was over the NAACP and Southern Poverty Law Center.

And that's my two cents and a nickel commentary read it and weep!

Please enjoy Fred Hammonds "This is the day that the Lord has made!"

Disclosure claim: The author did not receive external funding for this work and has no conflict of interest.


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